Today, I had a great time with Mark Byford, Deputy Director General of the British Broadcasting Corporation and head of BBC Journalism, and his Senior Editors Team.
They wanted me to present the INNOVATION experiences and models on Newsroom Integrations.
They understand that this is a crucial issue for their future.
The BBC doesn’t buy the “us” against “them” idea and they have decided to reorganize the newsroom facilities around “content and audiences”, our mantra in this field.
So they were really interested in how to create new working flows, how to build an agnostic platform super-desk, etc.
After the presentation and many questions from this group, I have the feeling that the BBC can lead better than anybody else the new online journalism narratives of the 21st Century.
They have the talent, credibility, reputation, people and leadership to re-invent journalism in these new new platforms.
The old Regent Street Bush House or the BBC Broadcasting House will become, for sure, the biggest and most advanced state-of-the-art multimedia newsroom of the world.
The huge new rebuilding project will cost over 200 million pounds.
In less than 2-year time, more than 5.000 BBC people will move there and work together under one roof.
BH has been the BBC’S headquarters since 1932 and has survived every attempt of Hitler to destroy it.
The architects will have produced an estimated 10,000 drawings by the end of the project that will include 80.000-square meter of production areas, studios and staff facilities, plus a 4.000-square meter newsroom.
64,000 tonnes of debris will be removed from the site.
Around 17,000 lorry loads of rubbish will be taken from BH
During excavation, work will be taking place 4 meters from the Victoria tube line.
There will be six new studios for television news.
The new News studio will be one of the largest live newsrooms in the world
There will be 140 acoustic spaces for Radio & Music, News and World Service.
There will be 10,000 miles of cabling in the new building.
The focus of the complex is an atria-lit newsroom at the base of the main building.
See here more pictures from the old and future newsrooms.
(iPhone picture of Mark Byford introducing me to his team)