Saturday, April 24, 2010

St. Davids Community Pool Group Newsletter (9): April 2010

Susan Preece, Secretary of St Davids Community Pool Group, reports very good news in the last newletter:

"During February and March we carried out a market research exercise to find out more about what the community needs in respect of a swimming pool and additional integrated facilities to make it financially sustainable. We issued a questionnaire to obtain feedback from the community about the likely usage of various options. The questionnaire was made available through primary schools and other locations such as Post Offices, doctors’ surgeries and public houses across the peninsula.

Approximately 600 questionnaires were completed and returned and the data is now being collated. A big thank you goes to all who took the time and trouble to complete one of these questionnaires. Further consultation is planned with pool user groups over the next few months – any group interested in taking part in this consultation should e-mail their contact details to the email address below.

We have identified two potential sites for the pool and have been presented with a design concept that has given us a lot to think about in terms of defining our specification.

All of this has prompted us to establish the St Davids Pool Project Enablement Board to take things forward to the planning application stage. The Board initially consists of the Community Pool Group’s Chairman (David Lloyd), Secretary (Susan Preece), Member (Andy Dixon) and Jon Bowles of Perpetual Legacy. Project management for the enablement phase has been placed with LA Architects. The Community Pool Group Steering Committee’s role will be to keep the community informed of developments and in turn inform the Project Board of local concerns/issues.

In addition we have been working with a website developer to produce a dedicated website that will be updated with details about the project as it develops. The website has gone live so why not have a look at .

In due course the website will have a Donate Button to enable you to support the project with donations that can benefit from Gift Aid (claiming back tax from the government)."

Bravo, and let's keep fighting for our new pool!

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