Saturday, July 23, 2011


Held within sight
of the sea and the ancient Cathedral, the 7th Really Wild Festival will take place in St Davids on Friday 29th & Saturday 30th July. 10am -5pm each day.

Julia and Brian manage the wildest two days of culinary delights, rural traditions, storytelling and countryside fun you could want, and regular favourites and exciting new exhibitors have already been booking in for this year’s weekend of fun and madness!

For the first time they are holding a Really Wild Musical Evening on the Festival Saturday.

It will feature local bands and groups, soloists, and dancing.

There will be plenty of choice of freshly cooked local foods, ciders, beers and ales etc. to keep you happy and the event will be suitable for the whole family.

A 100 meter marquee will provide cover to cope with whatever weather that might get chucked at us but outdoor seating is available too. Do bring cushions and rugs for extra comfort just in case!!

Ticket allocation will be limited.

Click here to see the full program

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